Thursday, June 18, 2009

UNO products (beauty)

Health First Gluta Lotion

Health First Gluta Lotion
Created to whiten and protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet sun rays. Plus, it moisturizes and revitalizes your skin... making you radiant... making you desireable.
Whitens, blocks (SPF15), Moisturizes and Hydroquinol Free.
Health First Gluta Lotion is Dermatologist - tested and approved
For Best results, use with Health First Gluta capsule and Gluta soap.

Glutathione Soap

For healthy, radiant, glowing skin. With Grape-seed to keep you look younger and Rose-hip that works on fine lines and wrinkles resulting in smoother skin.
Health 1st Glutathione (60 capsules)

G is for Glamorous

Everybody swears they have seen changes. Everyone talks about the changes. Claim that change in your skin tone. Stop and look at the totally new YOU! UNO presents Health 1st Glutathione, the next real thing to skin color miracle. Made to bring to light the beauty of whiter, clearer skin tone, Health 1st Glutathione is proven to diminish the appearance of skin imperfections. Skin texture and tone is noticeable enhanced with regular intake. Dark spots, blemishes, and other stains will be covered with new, silk smooth, whiter complexion.

G is for Good Health

The nourishing benefits of Glutathione

The much-acclaimed Glutathione is revealing more of its beneficial properties as more and more Filipinos speak about its healthy effects besides whitening their complexion.

Glutathione is one of the body’s most important and powerful antioxidants. In what way does Glutathione help? Oxygen is consumed and burned by the body. In the process, millions of cells generate by-products called free radicals which cause cellular damage when they travel through the body. Glutathione serves as powerful antioxidant to protect key cell components from damage by neutralizing these free radicals.

A tripeptide composed of the amino acids glutamic acid, cysteine, and glycine. Its molecular weight is 307.33 Da. Glutathione is found in all cells in the body, in the bile, in the epithelial lining fluid of the lungs, and, at much smaller concentrations, in the blood. Its active form is the chemically reduced form, called "GSH."

It improves the cardiovascular and immune systems. It also detoxifies. Free radicals and peroxides are eliminated by this wonderful supplement. Glutathione helps, among other things, in:
Organic Thanakha

Organic Thanakha

Comes in 8 different variants; Shihn, Shiles, Lime, Nat, Rose, Sandal Wood, Kankaw (Iron Wood), Spa and Jasmine. All of these variants possesses unique natural agents that cares for the skin.

It easily smoothen the skin naturally from annoying blemishes without any fear of damaging. Aside from being a skin cleaning agent, it can also be a make-up base, facial powder and oil controller during day time that effectively protects our skin from some of the damaging cosmetics that we use.

It also reverses premature aging by increasing the production of our Collagen and Elastin, our skin protein that keeps our skin supple elastic and young looking. It is the only cosmetic and facial mask product in one that is herbally pure and authentic in nature in the country.

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